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Arthur Pastel

Software Engineer • Co-founder of CodSpeed

Hi, I'm Arthur, a software engineer based in Paris 🇫🇷🥖

I've always been passionate about building software and exploring how things work under the hood. Over the years, I've worked across a wide range of technologies—from web development to low-level and embedded systems programming—driven by a love for solving problems and pushing the limits of what software can do.

Outside of code, I'm also into music production. I've released a few Wave music tracks as SWLL (on SoundCloud/Spotify), and organized music events in Paris as a member of SLAK Collective.

Blog Posts

I mostly write about performance optimization in Rust/Python/Javascript on the CodSpeed Blog at the moment.



The Impact of Memory Allocators on Performance: A Deep Dive

The Impact of Memory Allocators on Performance: A Deep Dive

This talk will explore the world of memory allocation and its impact on application performance. Memory allocators are an often overlooked topic but are the backbone of most applications’ performance.

EuroRust 2024
Demystifying AsyncIO: Building Your Own Event Loop in Python

Demystifying AsyncIO: Building Your Own Event Loop in Python

This talk unravels the inner workings of AsyncIO by walking through the creation of a custom event loop in Python, concluding with running a FastAPI application on it.

PyCon US 2024
EuroPython 2024
Building native Rust modules for Python

Building native Rust modules for Python

We'll cover the basics of Rust and demonstrate how to create a Rust module that can be imported and used within Python. Discover the advantages of using Rust in Python, especially regarding improved performance.

EuroPython 2023
Continuous Performance Analysis: Introducing CodSpeed

Continuous Performance Analysis: Introducing CodSpeed

This talk introduces CodSpeed, a performance analysis tool that continuously monitors your codebase performance and provides insights into performance bottlenecks.

PyCon FR 2023